Body Builders Bulk Up Using Cancer Drugs MEDPAGE TODAY While steroids are all-stars among performance-enhancing drugs, breast cancer drugs are a lesser-known staple of doping regimens, as are some investigational agents that aren’t available on any regulated market. |
Doctor's Collection Informs HBO Series
Watching the Detectors
Jersey's Salvage Paleontologists
Illness Inflation: A series investigating eight conditions newly created within the past two decades, and the pharmaceutical money and key opinion leaders who brought them to life. MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL/MEDPAGE TODAY
Experts Question Validity of Tests Predicting Opioid Addiction Risk -- Two companies are selling doctors tests they say can predict risk of opioid addiction based on a patient's genes. But experts say they're getting ahead of the science. MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL/MEDPAGE TODAY
Risk/Reward: An investigation into the nation's flawed system for approving new drugs -- including diet drugs and testosterone -- which allows pharmaceutical companies to produce expensive products of dubious value that put patients at risk. MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL/MEDPAGE TODAY
'Marginalia' Explores Role of Hope in Medicine -- Neurologist Richard Pellegrino's latest play is a semi-autobiographical tale of an accomplished physician who, near the end of his career, is forced to rediscover the emotions and ideals that drew him to medicine in the first place, when he himself becomes a patient. MEDPAGE TODAY
From Pot to FAAH -- Will the tragic outcomes in the French trial dampen enthusiasm for developing endocannabinoid drugs? MEDPAGE TODAY
The Search for a Safer Ketamine -- Can glutamate drugs treat the worst cases of depression, and keep pharma in psychiatry? MEDPAGE TODAY
Looking Beyond Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease -- After billions have been spent on several failed attempts at Alzheimer's drugs targeting amyloid, the field is acknowledging that there may be more to the Alzheimer's picture. MEDPAGE TODAY
A Vegas Gamble: Doctor Builds New Kind of Clinic in the Desert -- Dr. Zubin Damania, better known as his internet celebrity alter-ego ZDoggMD, wants to turn the tables on healthcare in an unlikely place. MEDPAGE TODAY
Nephrologists Take Fistulas into Their Own Hands -- Every year, Rick Mishler creates about 250 fistulas in patients’ arms, stitching artery to vein so they can have a chance at successful dialysis. But Mishler is not a surgeon; he’s a nephrologist — a specialty that has had little to do with interventional procedures. MEDPAGE TODAY
Price Tag on Old Insulin Skyrockets -- A concentrated form of insulin that came on the market in the 1950s now costs $1,200 per vial.
A Love of Story, in Print and in the Clinic -- More hospitals have started publishing literary journals as emphasis on humanities training grows in some medical centers. MEDPAGE TODAY
Tracking Jersey’s Dinosaurs -- An early trove for paleontologists, the Garden State remains rife with opportunities for fossil hunters. NEW JERSEY MONTHLY
Addictions, Bad Habits Can ‘Highjack’ Brain -- Change, especially changing bad habits, is hard — and rightly so, as any neuroscientist will tell you. ABC NEWS
Finding a Better ‘Position’ to Deal with Disease -- How yoga and the psychosocial oncology movement are winning over big-name cancer centers. ABC NEWS
Don Knuth: The Historian of the Computer Age -- Don Knuth finishes one sentence in section Zero of Volume 4A, which at the moment takes precedence over sections One, Two, Three, and Four of part A, along with parts B, C, and possibly D. ELECTRONIC DESIGN
A Factory Fades to Black -- After 40 years, Konica Minolta shutters a plant in Glen Cove, leaving residents and employees uncertain about the economic impact on the town. NEWSDAY
Post Avenue Puts on a New Face -- How downtown Westbury gave its main street a facelift, with a sidebar on perceptions among the Latino population that lives there. NEWSDAY
Consumers Fight Back -- Early on in the days of online complaining, the question was whether doing so was truly effective. NEWSDAY
Mild Winter Could Cut Fuel Costs -- A warmer-than-average winter in New Jersey likely driven by both El Nino and climate change. DAILY RECORD
Great Swamp Deer Hunt May Be Scaled Back -- Wildlife biologist says population drop could lead to tighter kill limits at wildlife refuge. DAILY RECORD
Going Against the Grain -- In the midst of New Jersey's rising organic culture, one farmer tried to go beyond organic by feeding his cattle only grass. TRENTON TIMES
Lecture: Robert Lee Hotz – When Robert Lee Hotz first met Sandra Witelson, a “raven-haired Canadian psychologist with a taste for black leather and red showgirl nails,” he knew he had found what he was looking for. NYU BULLPEN
The Cord Blood Cure -- When Gayle Serls had an umbilical cord blood transfer to treat her lymphocytic leukemia, the experimental procedure was her last hope. SCIENCELINE